FAQ << Q&A about Learning Math

This is useless! Why do we have to study it?

(Copyright © 2000-2001 -- this item revised 17 Feb 2001)

Sometimes this question is really another way of saying, "This is too hard. It's not fair to make me learn it!"

But you might as well say that about drawing, or music, or literature, or a foreign language, or anything really. Yes, it's true: anything can be hard while you're learning it. Mark McGwire wasn't born hitting home runs, you know. It's true that different people have different talents. If you're good at something, it will be easier for you; of it's not one of your talents, you'll have to work harder for the same results as someone else.

But trust us, this is not too hard for you. Anyone of normal intelligence can learn all of high-school math, and perhaps some college math too.

But perhaps you're honestly wondering, what good is this math? There are three answers, at least:

Most people aren't Mark McGwire, but we can almost all enjoy a pickup game of baseball. The same is true with math: we're not all Gauss or Euclid, but with an open mind we can all get some enjoyment, and we can all improve our math abilities.

See also

Contributors (in alphabetical order)

<< Math makes me feel so stupid! I don't understand any of it!  How can I remember all the formulas I need? >>
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