FAQ << Posting Guidelines

What's all this about netiquette?

(Copyright © 2000-2001 -- this item revised 17 June 2001)

Over the last twenty years or so, Usenet readers and posters have discovered through trial and error that some ways of doing things work best for everyone. Not all of these are obvious, so old hands sometimes need to tell newcomers about these rules of thumb, which go by the general name of "netiquette".

These are not special rules for! They make every newsgroup work better. And they are not handed down from on high by some self-appointed cabal, but have grown up out of the experience of ordinary Usenetters like you.

You can find an excellent rundown at the NNQ Links; if that link is down, try one of the mirrors here or here. The NNQ Links are also a good place to find about how Usenet works in general (including technical info, if you want it), how to find a newsgroup to match your interests, and so on.

Some of the most important points follow. Again, for more information including detailed justifications, please see the NNQ Links cited above.

Software settings

Composing your message

See also

Contributors (in alphabetical order)

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